Sundays - 9:50 - 10:40 a.m.
Youth Sunday School
9:50 - 10:40 a.m.
Youth Room
Teachers: Keri Cousins and Bill Moore
9:50 - 10:40 a.m.
Youth Room
Teachers: Keri Cousins and Bill Moore
Goddard Youth are enjoying a new ministry called The Carpenter's Workshop! Craftsmen and women from our congregation join us on Wednesday nights to help share their craft skills with the youth. Everything from sawing, drilling, woodworking, and all types of tool work, to cooking and sewing. All kinds of life skills that youth will need! Just like Joseph taught Jesus, our congregation is teaching our youth!
We began on Jan. 18, 2023 with Tool and Workshop Safety, Instructions on Types of Tools, and the removal and installation of a door knob! The youth even replaced the door knob for our Youth Chapel! On February 8, 2023 the youth learned how to install curtain rods. They even hung 2 banners to help decorate the youth room. On February 15, 2023 the youth learned how to create a secret hiding spot inside a book. They glued pages together, cut in a rectangular hole and lined it with felt. On February 22, 2023 the youth learned how to use wood glue and clamps to repair a split piece of wood. This was also a mission project to help repair a treasured family sign for one of our widowed congregants. |
Our Youth created and signed the Youth Family Tree! We are so excited to have so many members of our Youth family, but even more excited for plenty of room to add MORE to our family!